Tuesday, May 2, 2017

10 Subtle Ways To Show Your Partner You're In Love.

 This is the cutest!
Healthy relationships are great for the soul. When human beings are given the capacity to share their lives with other people in a healthy manner, it is always beneficial to that person’s character and psychological makeup. That’s why a lot of people put a lot of time and effort into trying to find that particular someone with whom they can have a relationship.
However, a lot of people who are already in relationships can fall victim to being complacent and boring. They find themselves in a rut in their relationships because they don’t feel the need to spice things up in a relationship anymore. Remember that one of the keys in making a relationship work is making sure that you and your partner are always keeping things fresh.
In a relationship, it’s normal for the two people involved to always express their love for each other. But after some time, the typical “I love you” will start to lose its luster. That’s why a lot of happy relationships have people who are always finding new ways to express their love and affection for one another. If you find yourself in a relationship rut, then here are a few ways that you can express your love for your partner without necessarily being so grand about it.

1. Caress your partner’s face and hair.

There’s something very endearing and affectionate whenever you caress your partner’s hair or face. It doesn’t even have to lead to any sexual excitement. It can be purely innocent, but it can still have that same romantic effect. It’s a very endearing way of expressing your love and attraction for another person.

2. Write your partner love letters and notes.

Love letters and love notes are lost pieces of art. We are all too caught up in a world of social media and technology. We spend most of our days staring at phones and computer screens. That’s why there’s a different effect whenever you decide to express your love to your partner via a love letter. It’s very old-school but it’s very effective.

3. Make use of the kids.

If you’re a longtime married couple and you already have kids, remember that you can use your kids as a reminder of your love for your partner. Use them in your gestures and let your partner know just how much you value the family that you’ve managed to raise together. Love is best manifested in the form of families.

4. Do the household chores without being asked.

Another great way to relieve your partner of any stress is to just do some of the household chores for them. This gesture is basically saying that you value your partner’s time and well-being and that you want to try to ease their worries. It also tells your partner that you are constantly thinking of them even when you’re not together.

5. Cook up a delicious meal for date night.

Sure, you could take your partner out to a fancy restaurant and spend your money on a delicious meal. That’s perfectly fine, but it’s also very basic. Mix things up and offer to cook for your partner. Put some effort into your culinary adventures and make your partner feel your love through the food that you prepare.

6. Buy a small but meaningful gift.

Gifts don’t always have to be luxurious, expensive, and grand. They can also be very simple and inexpensive. You don’t have to shell out an entire month’s paycheck just to make your partner happy. Buy your partner a gift that is simple but meaningful.

7. Spend some time with each other just lounging around the house.

There is a lot of pressure for couples to just go out and live life on the edge all the time. People are always pressuring you to try new things and go to new places. However, there is something very intimate about just staying at home and being with the person you love the most. There’s no pressure. There’s nothing complicated. It’s just two people who love each other who are enjoying one another’s company in a simple setting.

8. Give your partner some surprise kisses.

Kisses don’t always have to be long, hot, and passionate. Mix things up. Give your partner some unexpected kisses. Sneak up from behind and kiss them on the cheek. It may seem like it’s a very innocent, playful, and simple gesture but it’s a great way to express one’s affection.

9. Make your partner feel like they’re being listened to.

Communication is a very important aspect of any relationship. You should also take note that one of the best ways to let your partner know that you love them is to listen to them. Make them feel like they’re being heard and that their opinions are being valued.

10. Touch the sweet spots whenever you’re being intimate.

Lastly, whenever you’re making love to each other, don’t be so selfish. Communicate with each other. Ask your partner how they want you to be moving and where it is they want you to be touching them. Be open and honest to each other. Always make sure that you leave your partner feeling very satisfied. 

Talk to me

What of the above do you do with your partner?


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